Monday, May 07, 2007

Tasting the grape

Well, all the flights today were cancelled because the wind was so strong. It was blowing directly across the runway and beyond the crosswind limits of the airplanes in the fleet, so Matt and I were grounded. So in true European style, we decided to go drinking. We drove up to Napa to try some of the wines there and try out a few wineries.

I was the lucky one due to the fact that Matt was driving, which meant I could do the drinking :-) We got a coupon from the Information Office and that listed about 8 wineries that would let us sample lots of wine for free.

Driving around the area we enjoyed the scenery and the gorgeous homes and architecture of the area. Thankfully, even though it's busy with wine tasters and tourists, it hasn't been destroyed or over-run with too many buildings or people.

We then headed back and Matt had a great idea of playing mini-golf. So a short change of clothes and a short drive to the mini-golf course we were ready to do battle. I started off quite well but then lost form and ended up losing something silly like 12 strokes behind. Hmmmmm I just hope I fly better than I putt :-) There are two seperate golf courses, so we will do battle again tomorrow evening :-)

Our BFR checkrides are scheduled for tomorrow. I've brushed up on my studying and feel OK about the oral part. Will see how well my flying holds up with an instructor though.

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